Our local homeless shelter in Menomonie, Cairn House, is seeking volunteers to provide an evening meal for guests in the shelter on Fridays, Saturdays or Sundays. Cairn House is part of Stepping Stones of Dunn County and located at 1620 Stout Road.
Typically 3-4 persons team up to do this together. The food is prepared onsite in the shelter kitchen with ingredients purchased and brought in by the team. Approximately 15 guests are fed at the evening meal. The meal is served and clean up follows.
The Lead Cook generally plans the menu and makes sure the ingredients are purchased or available in the kitchen. The Prep Cooks (2-3) assist the Lead but this can be flexible in how it’s divided up. Teams usually share the cost of the ingredients.
The hours listed on the sign-up are 4:00pm til 7:30pm but may vary slightly.
An online Sign-Up is available for the remainder of the weekends in 2025. Click here to view which dates are open. There are 4 slots for each date, one as the Lead and three as Prep.
For more information, call Cairn House at 715-231-1404.
Becky Kneer has volunteered for meal prep at Cairn House as a Prep Cook.