Some meddlesome crank in the post office department has issued an order changing the name of this post-office from Menomonie to Menomonee. What earthly reason there is for making this change we cannot see. The name has been written Menomonie ever since the old township was organized and it is retained as the corporate name of the city. For many years the post-office department persisted in spelling it Menomonee until about six years ago Mr. J.R. Mathews, when be was postmaster succeeded in persuading the department to change it so as to conform to the legal name of the city, and the names have been identical ever since until this new order was issued reviving the old orthography. This order should be countermanded at once and the name of Menomonie retained for the post-office and thus conform to the corporate name of the city. – March 1, 1895 Dunn County News
Wheeler, March 16. — An unusual interest is being manifested in the town of Hay River. This was noticed Saturday afternoon at the caucus held at the Town hall, when about all of the male population seemed to have a personal interest in the civic center. Just wait till the 5th of April and the women’s suffrage falls in line on choosing the right ones from the list of candidates for office. Some of the old “dads” will begin to sit up and take notice. – March 17, 1921 Dunn County News
Menomonie experienced its second ‘nylon rush’ Tuesday morning at the local Montgomery Ward store when an estimated crowd of 800 people stood in line to purchase 500 pair of nylons that were advertised for sale.
Of course all who formed in the line could not make purchases because the supply gave out before the end of the line could get to the nylon counter.
Though the Ward doors didn’t swing open for business until 9 o’clock, nylon seekers started to form a line in front of the store at 8 o’clock. According to Store Mgr. Don Holley the 500 pair of nylons went on sale at 9 o’clock, and an hour and a half later the supply was exhausted. Holley said that sometime in the future another shipment of nylons may come to the local store.
The ‘nylon line’ held fast to get to the counter, where there was a limit of one pair of nylons to a customer.
It was an orderly line, from all reports received. No damage was done to the store, and no one was crushed to death, although two women in the line fainted.
One woman suffered an injured hand when she was pushed through the door. – March 20, 1946 Dunn County News
Menomonie has two names in Who’s Who in America, a reference book for 1906-7 just received at the Memorial library. The book contains a short sketch of men and women of note in the United States and is a valuable reference. Menomonie is represented in the book by Senator Stout and Supt. L.D. Harvey. Mr. Stout’s name carries with it the following: “Lumberman, has lived in Wisconsin many years; has large business and manufacturing interests; member state senate several terms; has given liberally to cause of manual training, traveling libraries, good roads movement and various works of practical philanthropy.” Mr. Harvey’s work in the educational world is noted in detail. – March 30, 1906 Dunn County News
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