Did you know that free tax preparation assistance is available in Menomonie? An AARP Foundation Tax-Aide will help get your tax returns filled out and filed. You’ll get assistance from volunteers certified by the IRS. You can also have your tax return sent electronically for free.
From now through April 8 both face-to-face and drop-off service is offered. The program is aimed at those with low to moderate income, age 50 and older, and it doesn’t require AARP membership.
Appointments are required and can be made for Tuesdays or Thursdays between 8:45am – 3:30pm. Call Dunn County ADRC at 715-232-4006 to schedule.
Location of services is the Dunn County Government Center, Rm 60; 3001 US Highway 12 E, Menomonie. Click here for a list of documents to bring.
Source: AARP Website