Source: American Red Cross
Severe winter weather and wildfires have forced thousands of blood donations to go uncollected. There is an emergency shortage of platelets, as well as types O negative and B negative blood. Donors are needed TODAY!
Upcoming blood drives in Menomonie are:
Thurs Jan 30: Dunn County Government Center, 9am – 3pm
Thurs Feb 6: 1) UW-Stout, 302 10th Ave E, 10am-4pm; 2) Phillips Medisize, 428 Technology Dr, 10am-4pm; 3) Christ Lutheran Church, 1306 Wilcox St, 12pm-6pm
To find other upcoming blood donor drives in Menomonie, and/or to make an appointment click here.
You can also call 1-800-RED CROSS.