Debra Bell
The Menomonie Public Library’s goal is to better blend the landscape into the programming space, emphasizing the health benefits of green spaces, thanks to a give from the estate of Joan Polasky
Festina lent – make haste slowly.
It’s been three years since the Library lost a dear friend, Joan Polasky. In early 2022, we were touched to receive a generous annuity gift of $77,238 from her estate. Joan wanted to honor the library’s unique architecture and celebrate art and nature.
With her gift, the Library’s goal is to better blend the landscape into the programming space, emphasizing the health benefits of green spaces.
After hiring Ayres Associates (Eau Claire) to work with community stakeholders to develop a multi-phase plan for our outdoor space, we leveraged Joan’s gift to apply for and receive a Vibrant Spaces Grant from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation for $44,250.
Mayo Clinic Health System’s Northwest Wisconsin Community Giving Committee also generously contributed $100,000 to the project. Jenny Jorgenson, Community Engagement Specialist at Mayo writes, “Recognizing the many ways this investment will impact the health and well-being of the Menomonie community and knowing what an incredible partner the library has been in community wellness efforts, we are confident this donation towards the library aligns well with our priorities of meeting the needs of our patients in Dunn County and beyond.”
The final piece of the financial puzzle came from a decision by the Menomonie City Council to allocate $29,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding in early 2024 for the project. As part of a broader initiative to create welcoming spaces for visitors and future residents, the City of Menomonie will play a substantial role in reimagining the Library’s outdoor space. Located on Lake Menomin, this outdoor area will provide space for members of the community to work and play.
In November 2024, the City Council awarded the project bid to Haas Sons, Inc. of Thorp, WI at a cost of $245,040.
With this award in place, community members can look forward to the creation of a multi-use outdoor gathering place at the Library in summer 2025 with some exciting amenities:
a large paver patio with seat wall
outdoor tables, chairs & comfortable lounge seating
new additional bike racks
a new paved, ADA accessible path to allow for easier wheelchair, stroller andwalker access
As interest in the project grows, additional funds may be directed toward new doors for accessing the space, a shade canopy, a pollinator rain garden, enhanced electrical service for outdoor concerts, interpretive trails, or a “Sound Garden” outside the children’s area of the library.
With our proximity to the many trails around Menomonie, and our beautiful shoreline site, we are uniquely positioned to engage with nature. There is evidence that time in nature supports mental health. Heather Eliassen, Harvard School of Public Health states, “Spending time outdoors in green spaces has been linked with a myriad of physical and mental health benefits…” (2024).
Our hope is that people will be drawn into a closer connection with the natural environment around them, rediscover the joy of gathering outdoors, and reinforce their public library as a place for respite, reflection, and community.
Joleen Sterk, Public Library Director, has worked at MPL since 2005, and served as Director since June 2021. She has always preferred being outside, especially when reading.
Contact: Joleen Sterk, [email protected], 715-232-2164 ×233