
Allow me to introduce myself. Some of you may remember me as a long-time seventh grade Reading Specialist at Menomonie Middle School.
At the encouragement of MNN editorial staff I will be writing a new feature: “MHS Grads—Where are They Now?”
When students leave the Menomonie school system and move on to start the next phase of their lives, the community often loses track of them. So many of our graduates have interesting stories to tell about further schooling, occupational choices, adventures (both exotic and “ordinary”), and what they are up to now. If you’re like me, you enjoy hearing updates.
For this column, I ask you to send news (including a photo if possible) about yourself or someone in your family that is a graduate of MHS. Tell about your/their lives after leaving high school. These stories may be humorous, exciting, heart-wrenching—whatever you wish to share.
Or feel free to send me contact information and I’ll do the interviewing. No story is too small to publish! Our lives all have meaning and value. Share where your life journeys have led you.
You can contact me at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you!