With snowflakes falling, nearly 100 plungers took to the water and grabbed a rubber duck marked for a prize at Elk Point in Menomonie on Saturday. Pledging money for Special Olympics, the daring ones raised $21,000. Numerous volunteers contributed their time, including members of UW-Stout ROTC, The National Guard and the Thunderhawks, who helped the jumpers out of the frigid waters. Jamie Paige, co-anchor of WQOW-TV 18 News in Eau Clair, emceed the event. Photo by Deb Anderson – February 16, 2011 Dunn County News
Arrangements have been made to put on a ski meet at the Fair grounds next Sunday afternoon. The promoters of the affair are A.C. Damberg, West Burdick, Chris Bjoernson and “Lefty” Kochendorfer.
The slide is said to be in good condition for jumping.
Bjoernson and Kochendorfer are among Menomonie’s best ski runners, and their exhibition alone promises sport for the spectators. Burdick and Damberg are Stout men who have been making good showings. Bjoernson and Kochendorfer have
entered several meets in the vicinity during the past few years in the amateur and have come off with good results. Burdick has represented Stout for the past two years at the interscholastic meets at Minneapolis, and the last year landed sixth place against some of the best college and university runners in this part of the country. It is expected that both he and Damberg will represent Stout at the meet to be held this year on Feb. 10.
Running will begin at 3 o’clock. The slide is good for jumps from 55 to 60 feet, and if the weather is right, records probably will be broken. – February 1, 1923 Dunn County News
The new Omaha depot will be ready for occupancy next week if all plans progress smoothly. The decorators completed their work this week and all that remains is to clean the building and put the furniture in place. The depot is provided with an excellent steam heating plant. It is well-lighted and every convenience will be maintained for the traveling public. A 5OO-gallon tank above the boiler room supplies the water for the depot. This water is pumped from a well under the building. The busses will be stationed on the south side at the end of the covered platform. Private carriages will have the right of way along the east side. The depot has enlarged east and west entrances which open into the general waiting room. The women’s room is on the south side and is to be comfortably equipped. – February 2, 1906 Dunn County News
The Knapp, Stout & Co. Company’s mill pond has at length risen to the dignity of a lake and has been duly christened “Lake Menomin.” The name was selected by Senator Stout and is the Indian word for “wild rice.” It harmonizes with the name of the city and is both euphonious and appropriate. Fullmer & Rooney, who are about to issue a new wall map of Dunn county, will use the new name and the “pond” will hereafter be known officially and every other way as Lake Menomin. – February 7, 1902 Dunn County News
The Memorial library Tuesday resumed its service to children 16 years and under.
The ban was lifted, states Mrs. Essie Nickerson, in keeping with the action taken by the city health department.
When the health department on January 24 issued its order prohibiting children of this age from gathering in public places, in its efforts to check scarlet fever, the Memorial library banned children 16 years and under from drawing books, or using the reading room.
Now, with the lifting of the ban, these facilities of the library are restored to the children. – February 20, 1936 Dunn County News
Lt. James Peterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Peterson, formerly of this city, saluted his grandmother, Mrs. William Schutte, Jr., and his mother, Mrs. Alfred Peterson, who is here from Madison, with his B-25 Mitchell bomber by circling over the Schutte home at least four times at noon Monday. He is with the 5th Ferrying Command. His mother knew he planned to fly over Menomonie. – February 23, 1944 Dunn County News
Source: Dunn County Historical Society