Debra Bell
The Menomonie Public Library’s goal is to better blend the landscape into the programming space, emphasizing the health benefits of green spaces, thanks to a give from the estate of Joan Polasky
Community Conversations: What is Act 12?
What: Community Conversations are open forums to discuss topics of interest in our community
When: Saturday, Jan 18, 12:30 – 2:30 pm
Where: Library Meeting Room
Details: Act 12 (passed by the WI legislature in 2023) will be explored using the Memo for Act 12 from the Wisconsin Legislative Council which interpreted the law.
Presenters: Accepting invitations to attend and help understand Act 12 will be:
Representative Clint Moses (Assembly District 29)
Senator Jeff Smith (Senate District 31)
Eric Atkinson (City Administrator, Menomonie)
Moderator: Lorene Vedder (Menomonie resident, retired physician)
Resources: Memo for Act 12
Remaining Resilient: Overcoming Life’s Challenges
What: a 3-session online class to learn tools to not only only survive but thrive during challenging times
When: Tuesdays February 11, 18 and 25 at 6:30 – 7:30pm
Where: Zoom
Registration: No pre-registration required. On the date you wish to attend, go to the online Menomonie Public Library calendar and click on the zoom link. You do not need to attend all 3 sessions.
Presenters: Gary Johnson, retired Menomonie School Social Worker & mental health therapist; Lori Smith, retired Menomonie Schools educator
Questions: Email [email protected]