Town Hall - Town of Menomonie
Below are upcoming public meetings. Click on the links to find location, agendas and digital links if available.
City Meetings
Jan 13 – Recreation Advisory Board 7pm
Jan 15 – Urban Forestry Board 1pm
Jan 21 – City Council 7pm
School District Meetings
Jan 13 – Mid-Year Budget Hearing 5pm
Jan 13 – School Board Meeting 5:45pm
Dunn County Meetings
Jan 8 – Executive Committee
Jan 9 – Fair Board Committee
Jan 15 – Planning, Resource & Development Committee
Jan 15 – Board of Supervisors
Town Meetings
NOTE: The following is part of NoteTakers – Menomonie News Net. Community members take notes at public meetings (city, county, schools, town). Orientation is provided. If you are interested in learning more email [email protected].
Town of Menomonie Dec 17 Board Meeting Summary
by Sara Cardwell, Town of Menomonie resident, NoteTaker (MNN)
• The ordinance to increase general fire call service costs to all residents was approved. Residents having to use the service will pay the full costs of the fire call starting in 2025 versus the current maximum of $500 for a fire call. • Townspeople are encouraged to call in to report potholes. New equipment coming this spring that will allow more patching in a shorter period. • The Town of Menomonie is required to do a new Comprehensive Plan in 2025. Townspeople can contact the Plan Commission for how to be notified of the process and progress. • .Nomination papers for Town Board positions are due Tuesday, Jan. 7. • Tax statements have been mailed.
Town of Menomonie Dec 17 Board Meeting (Complete) Notes
(by Sara Cardwell, Town of Menomonie resident, NoteTakers (MNN)
Attendance: Kent Jackson, Chairman; Brian Johnson, Supervisor; Scott Barnhart, Supervisor; Nancy Ponto, Treasurer; Charisse Sutliff, Clerk
Chairman Jackson called the 2025 Budget Finalization Meeting to order at 6 p.m.
Brian Johnson moved to approve. Scott Barnhart seconded. Approved 3-0.
Motion to adjourn meeting. Approved 3-0.
Chairman Jackson called to order the Special Elector Budget Meeting at 6:02 pm.
– 2025 Town Levy Approval Resolution 2024-07
– Highway Expenses Approval
– 2025 Budget Approval
Above items were approved by the Board and the townspeople present at the meeting.
Chairman Jackson called to order the Regular Board Meeting
Minutes from the Nov. 12 Board Meeting were unavailable due to Clerk’s computer issues.
Minutes from the Nov. 23 Special Board Meeting were reviewed. Barnhart moved to approve. Johnson seconded. Approved 3-0.
Public Comments
Brad Lindsey of Woodland Terrace spoke on the brush cut of the right-of-way on Dec 5. He wondered why a second cutting needed to be done as the brush had been cut in the spring. He felt the homeowners had a lot to clean up and believes there were hazardous areas. Lindsey distributed pictures he took to the Board members. Chairman Jackson responded that the right-of-way extends 30 feet onto the property. The Town needs to keep the brush clear. If the brush to allowed to continue to grow in the right of way, it can hit the plows, buses, etc. Initially the area may not look good, but the debris quickly disintegrates if left as is.
Christy Lindsey expressed concern that there needs to be more gravel sweeping in the spring. There are a lot of potholes that need work and there is graffiti on the street. Chairman Jackson responded that the Town does not own a sweeper and has limited funds allowing the City of Menomonie to do only one sweep. The Patrolman will cover the graffiti. Residents are encouraged to call in about potholes.
CSM – Special Exception Kinnard
Selling homestead parcel of 40 acres to daughter. Parcel is split through by 440th Avenue. (They must subdivide and survey the parcel because 440th Ave goes through the property). Plan Commission reviewed and approved the special exception. Johnson moved to approve. Barnhart seconded. Approved 3-0.
Cedar Corporation Presentation on Services for Town’s Comprehensive Plan
Chairman Jackson introduced the topic by explaining that the Town needs to redo the Comprehensive Plan every 10 years. The last plan was done in 2015. The plan provides direction where the Town plans to go over the next 10 years. Cedar Corporation gave a presentation on what they can provide to facilitate the updating ofthe plan.
Josh Miller, a senior planner with Cedar Corporation spoke. The Comprehensive Plan covers nine items mandated by the state.The Town has flexibility as to when the plan needs to be completed. Miller believes it will take 12 to 18 months to complete. They will meet with the Plan Commission throughout 2025. The plan needs to be good for the town. Public engagement is needed but the Plan Commission will do the heaving lifting. Cedar Corporation will develop a draft for the Plan Commission; then there will be a public hearing as required by the state.Townspeople can request to be notified of the process.
The Town can pay for the plan over a two-year period. Public involvement requires more money and time. Can limit the amount of public involvement needed by doing a SWOT analysis where the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunity and Threat can guide the focus.
Approval of Contract with Cedar Corporation for Town’s Comprehensive Plan Services
Johnson made a motion to have Cedar Corporation facilitate the plan. Barnhart seconded. Approved 3-0.
Employee – Chairman Report
The Patrolman is busy patching holes, cutting brush, cleaning the shop, and sanding. Doing all the necessary stuff. It is currently a “one man show” as the other Patrolman recently retired.
Vote on Possible Extra Holiday Season Days Open (for solid waste site)
Christmas & New Years are both on Wednesday this year and the solid waste site is closed because of the holidays. If only open on Saturday, there will be too much garbage. GFL is willing to haul garbage on Friday and workers are willing to work on Thursday to facilitate garbage drop off. Information will be posted on Facebook and flyers provided about the holiday hours. Barnhart moved to approve. Johnson seconded. Approved 3-0.
Plan Commission Appointments
Scott Frederick introduced himself; he would take over for Kent Jackson as Chairman of the Plan Commission. Appointment would begin Dec 18. Jackson would remain on the Plan Commission as a regular member. Barnhart moved to approve. Johnson seconded. Approved 3-0.
Fire Protection and EMS Ordinance
Would repeal old ordinances and adopt this one. No old ordinances were found but by approving this any old ordinances would be nullified. Barnhart moved to approve. Johnson seconded. Approved 3-0.
Fire Protection Charges Ordinance
This is a better version of the ordinance. Main change is moving from $500 per charge to charging the entire amount of the fire call to the resident. The Town has the right to waive the fee if it is extraordinary. Eight Towns and the Village of Knapp own the fire equipment, but it’s operated by the City of Menomonie. The new agreement ties the Towns to participate in this process. The new charge starts Jan. 1, 2025. Johnson moved to approve. Barnhart seconded. Approved 3-0.
Delmore Consulting Road Report
Chairman Jackson asked Delmore Consulting to provide a description of what road services they could provide for $200,000. The thought is that a double chip seal for 330th Street should be the priority. More to follow on this.
Delmore Consulting Discussion and Possible Approval of Culvert Assessment Services
Delmore offering a special price because of the previous work; prices will go up in 2025. There is an $8,000 up front fee for inventory. Will get all culverts on GPS so the Town doesn’t have an issue like what happened in Woodland Terrace. (A culvert that the Town hadn’t known existed failed, and it was costly to replace). Barnhart moved to approve having the assessment done. Johnson seconded. Approved 3-0.
Drop-Off Site Employee Pay Approval
The Chairman shared that the increases have been over time. Johnson moved to approve. Barnhart seconded. Approved 3-0. Raises effective January 1.
Patrolman Pay & Benefits Contract Approval
The Patrolman is currently paid $25.50 per hour. The new salary will be $27 per hour. Nothing else will change in the contract. Patrolman would prefer more comp time in lieu of over time but the Clerk stated he can only accumulate 80 hours of comp (per State). Barnhart moved to approve the salary change. Johnson seconded. Approved 3-0.
Clerk Pay Increase Approval
The Clerk’s contract allows for an annual increase. Salary will increase from $16,000 per year to $16,400. Johnson moved to approve. Barnhart seconded. (Approved 3-0.)
Clerk Report
The Clerk has been working on the mill rate worksheet. She finalized the Statement of Taxes and filed it with the State. There were issues with the school numbers, etc. which delayed everything.
Nomination papers for Town Board positions are due Tuesday, Jan. 7. No one outside the current board members have contacted Clerk about running.
A primary, if needed, will be held in February with elections held April 1, 2025.
Town Hall computer is damaged as it accidentally fell. Hope to have it repaired soon.
Board Reports
Residents received tax bills today. Tax bills have increased.
The Treasurer needs a new printer. Approved by Chairman to purchase one.
There is still an issue with some mobile homes near the Armory. The issue is being sent to County attorneys.
Two applications for Patrolman position. Interviews will be scheduled.
Two outdoor lights need replacing. Electrician will be contacted.
Vouchers were reviewed; Motion to approve by Barnhart and seconded by Johnson. (Approved 3-0).
Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting is scheduled for Thursday Jan. 16 at 6pm